Coach Peter Wishnie, LLC has helped 100s of business owners and executives give them the life they deserve and desire. Whether you're a doctor or non-medical business owner, get some tips from successful podiatrist and business owner, Peter Wishnie.
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How Do You Know What Practice Area You Need to Focus on the Most?We can help you figure out your business' KPIs and analyze them to take the right action steps and get your business headed in the right direction.
How I Manage My TeamWhatever your office goals are, you need great staff, and you need to lead this staff.
How to Become an Absentee OwnerCan a doctor make more money owning the practice, running the practice, but not working in the practice? Yes, but it all depends on many factors.
How to Collect All the Money Owed to YouEven though you are in the business of helping others, you are actually in the business of running a business. The best way to be profitable is to collect every dollar that is owed to you.
How to Get Patients to Say Yes to Your RecommendationsPeople buy from people they like and trust. Once you show people you care, then they will trust you.
Is the Stress of Running a Practice Killing You?How do you eliminate stress as a business owner? You don’t. You just need to take the stress and make it an eustress.